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Ph: +62 813 3516 1510

M. Syaikh Rohman, M.Ec.

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Rohman holds Master of Economics from University of Queensland, Australia.


Rohman is a lecturer and researcher at Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University. From 2009 to 2013, he worked at LPEP (Laboratorium Pengembangan Ekonomi Pembangunan) Airlangga University as research assistant.

Research and Publications

  • The Impact of a Longer Period of Schooling on the Health Outcome and Wealth outcome: Indonesian Case Study. University of Queensland, 2019.
  • Testing ‘Resource Curse’ in Indonesia period 1980-2009 at The Fuel Export Commodities, Airlangga University, 2009.
  • Identification Inter-Sectoral and Inter-Regional Linkage in the East Java Economy, Presented in 2nd IRSA International Institute, 2009.