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Gubeng Kertajaya V C/47 Surabaya,
East Java, 60286 - Indonesia
Ph: +62 813 3516 1510
Work Inquiries
Ph: +62 813 3516 1510


Three priority research areas, including but not limited to:


Digital economy for inclusive development

RISED sees digital economy as an engine that can reduce inequality and foster inclusivity. Thus, the organization consistently explore the potential socio-economic impact of digital economy and related topics on the wellbeing.


Regional Development

RISED believes that regional development is the key to acquire sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Standing on behavioural perspective, the organization intends to promote human-centered policy design. It dedicates its work to provide research-based recommendation that will be useful for the local government in designing and developing effective policy and regulation.



RISED expects to boost equal community welfare and promotes sustainability by conducting rigorous research and monitoring-evaluation on several issues, including poverty eradication both in rural and urban area, multidimensional inequality and human development, and the circular economy. The organization aims to contribute in helping Indonesia to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).