Erlangga Agustino Landiyanto, Ph.D.
Erlangga is an Indonesian national who has been working as a practitioner in public policy and monitoring and evaluation since 2005. He finished his PhD in Social Policy from the University of Bristol, UK. He also has three master degrees: Master of Art from the Mahidol University, Thailand; Master of Science in Development Evaluation and Management from the University of Antwerp, Belgium; and Master of Public Administration from the University of York, UK; as well as obtained Sarjana Ekonomi from Airlangga University.
Erlangga has worked with multiple institutions like ASEAN Secretariat, BAPPENAS, American Red Cross, Echo Mobile, UNICEF, World Bank, UNORC, IFC and Care International. He is also a member of several associations such as INDEC (Indonesian Development Evaluation Community), Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA), Social Policy Association, and HDCA (Human Development and Capability Association).
Research and Publications
- Competitiveness Analysis and Factors That Influence the Export of Indonesian Shrimp Commodities, Published at Opcion, Ano 35, Especial No. 22, 2019, pp. 1628-1645
- Comparison of Child Poverty Measures in Indonesia, Presented at Social Policy Association Annual Conference, 11-13 July 2018, in University of York, United Kingdom.
- The Context of Child Poverty Policies in Indonesia. Presented at Leeds Centre for Interdisciplinary Childhood and Youth Research Conferenceon Child and Youth Poverty: Concepts, Contexts and Consequences, 16September 2016, Devonshire Hall, Leeds.
- Critical analysis of the potential use of child rights as the basis for child poverty measures. Presented at Critical Interdisciplinary Course on Children’s Rights (CICCR): Summer School in the framework of Human Rights for Development (HR4DEV), 28 August to 9 September 2016, in Ghent, Belgium.
- Multidimensional Child Poverty in Papua: Empirical Evidence from 6 Districts. Presented at Child Poverty and Social Protection Conference 2013, 10-11 September 2013, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Aceh Justice Project Endine Survey 2009. United Nations Development Programme – Aceh Justice Project (UNDP-AJP), 2009.
- M&E Gaps Analysis for More Improved and Strengthened M&E System and Capacity in Papua and West Papua. UNICEF and Bappeda Papua Province, 2012.
- We Like Being Taught: A Study of Teacher Absenteeism in Papua and West Papua. UNICEF, Education Office of Papua and West Papua Provinces, BPS and SMERU, 2012.
- Wealth and Happiness: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia. Published at Chulalongkorn Journal of Economics, No 23, 2011, page 1-17.
- Abortion Policy in Indonesia: Law and Religious Perspectives. Presented at 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights in Beijing, China, 18 – 20 October 2009.
- Impact of the Health Card program on Access to Reproductive Health Services. Presented at the 3rd International conference on reproductive health and social science research in Bangkok, Thailand, 7 August 2009.